What we do
At Statista R, we create, publish and market globally established company and brand top lists in cooperation with high-profile media partners such as Forbes, the Financial Times or The Times.
As experts in the assessment of companies, brands and products, we at Statista R carry out all steps to determine the top lists with the help of our market research and data analysis expertise.
Our Vision
We want to bring transparency about excellence into the respective markets. Through independent and well-founded approaches, we provide orientation on brands that can be trusted. At the same time, we give companies the opportunity to present and advertise their award.
The global #1 business data platform
Statista.com, the world’s leading data and business intelligence portal, with 23 million unique users per month, 2,500,000 registered users and 23,000 corporate customers, offers statistics and business-relevant data.
1,000 visionaries, experts and makers constantly reinvent Statista and thus continuously work on developing new products and business models.
Together with the world’s leading publishers
Our Team
Over 100 analysts, data scientists, back office and licensing sales managers at Statista R act as a team every day. Whether developing new ideas and methods, advising award-winning companies, designing awards or sharing a lunch break – together we create value for companies, markets and our media partners.
Our Locations
Statista GmbH
Our head office is located in the middle of Hamburg’s beautiful city center, directly opposite the concert hall „Laeiszhalle“ and the park „Planten un Blomen“.
E-Mail: kundenservice@statista.com
Tel.: +49 40 284841-0
Johannes-Brahms-Platz 1 – 20355 Hamburg – Germany
Statista INC
With 100 employees, the New York office is Statista’s largest office outside of Germany. From the 30th floor, our employees enjoy a magnificent view over downtown Manhattan and the Hudson River.
E-Mail: support@statista.com
Tel.: +1 212 419-8286
3 World Trade Center – 175 Greenwich Street; 36th Floor – New York, NY 10007 – United States
Statista Pte Ltd
We have opened our latest branch in one of Asia’s most up-and-coming business districts, Marina Bay in Singapore. With the office in Singapore, Statista is laying the groundwork for its ambitions to gain a long-term foothold in Asia and to continuously expand its business.
E-Mail: asia.support@statista.com
Tel.: +91 80 490164-28
138 Market Street – 048946 Singapore – Singapore
Statista Sàrl
Located between the „Place de la Concorde“ and the „Opéra Garnier“, the office is the ideal starting point for customer visits by sales colleagues in Paris. An optimal connection to public transport as well as numerous shops, cafés and restaurants in the direct vicinity are among the other amenities of the excellent city center location.
E-Mail: eu.support@statista.com
Tel.: +44 (0)20 8189 7000
20 rue Cambon – 75 001 Paris – France
Statista Ltd
The London office was established in 2015 in the heart of the city, in Covent Garden, a few steps from the Thames. Five years later, the office moved across the river to Southwark to accommodate the ever-growing team.
E-Mail: eu.support@statista.com
Tel.: +44 (0)20 8189 7000
209-215 Blackfriars Road, 5th Floor – SE1 8NL London – Great Britain
Statista Japan Ltd
Our Tokyo office opened in 2019 and has since moved to the Harajuku district in July 2020. The district is known for its sophisticated yet colorful and lively atmosphere.
E-Mail: support.japan@statista.com
Tel.: +81 3 6869 6720
A-3, 6-28-5 Jingumae, Shibuya – Tokyo 1510001 – Japan
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Recognizing the Best
Statista R is dedicated to finding and recognizing the best in class with its independent approach to data collection and evaluation. Whether employer brands, law firms, management consultancies, e-commerce or products - each of our market analyses, rankings, top lists and ratings are produced completely independently and with sound methodology.