
Les entreprises françaises à la croissance la plus rapide en 2024

Les entreprises françaises à la croissance la plus rapide en 2024

Les Echos présentent le classement France’s Fastest Growing Companies, un rapport spécial sur les entreprises françaises ayant le plus fort taux de croissance du chiffre d’affaires sur la période étudiée, à paraître en février 2024. Ces entreprises stimulent notre économie, font évoluer notre société, créent des emplois et contribuent au retour à la croissance de notre pays.

Nous chercherons à identifier les entreprises françaises dont la croissance du chiffre d’affaires sera parmi les plus fortes entre les années 2019 et 2022.

Le classement complet sera publié dans une édition spéciale du magazine Les Echos Week-End en février 2024. Il sera également disponible sur le site lesechos.fr. Les candidats potentiels seront contactés par Statista ou peuvent se manifester sur ce site.

  • Nouvelles opportunités commerciales
  • Image de marque de l’employeur
  • Une couverture médiatique efficace
  • Réputation

Qui est éligible ?

Pour figurer dans le classement, votre entreprise doit répondre aux critères suivants :

  • Recettes d’au moins 100 000 euros générées en 2019
  • Chiffre d’affaires d’au moins 1 500 000 EUR généré en 2022
  • Être indépendant (la société candidate n’est pas une filiale ou une succursale d’une autre société)
  • Siège social en France
  • La croissance du chiffre d’affaires entre 2019 et 2022 est essentiellement organique (c’est-à-dire principalement due à la performance directe de l’entreprise, par la vente de produits ou de services internes)

Nous contacter

Si vous avez des questions supplémentaires ou si vous souhaitez nous contacter, veuillez envoyer un courriel à


Do I have to pay to register?
Do I have to pay to be included in the ranking?
Not at all. If included in the ranking, your company is free to celebrate its success via a press release, social media, or a company website. Only businesses that want to use the official seal featuring Les Echos and Statista logos with the title France's Fastest Growing Companies 2024 have to pay a licence fee, in a one-off payment. The seal will be available after publication of the ranking.
Do I have to purchase the France's Fastest Growing Companies 2024 licence in order to point out or make reference to my place in the rankings?
No. All those who apply and make it into the toplist are completely free to publicise this fact. The official seal France's Fastest Growing Companies 2024, available for a licence fee, is merely an additional option for those who want to advertise and promote their achievement in a more visually striking manner.  
Is the creation of Les Echos ranking commissioned and paid for by customers?
No, this project has two revenue sources: revenues from licence fees, as outlined above, and advertisements in lesechos.fr/special-reports in Les Echos Week-End where the ranking will be published (in full online and in print) alongside Les Echos articles on company growth trends and profiles. The special report, to appear as part of Les Echos in print and online, is an independent piece of journalism written and commissioned by Les Echos journalists, drawing where relevant on the data collected for the ranking.
Who is eligible to participate?
All companies that meet the above mentioned requirements.
My company is wholly or partly owned by venture capital, private equity firms or investment funds. Can my company still qualify for the ranking?
Yes, as long as it complies with the aforementioned criteria.
My company was founded during the course of 2019. Can I still participate?
Yes, as long as it complies with the aforementioned criteria.
How do you verify the data provided by participants?
Revenue data are verified through the signing off of this form by the managing director/CEO, the finance director/CFO or a member of your executive committee. The form may be forwarded via email or post. Data is also verified through the figures published online.
When is the registration deadline?
Registration through the online form can be completed between September 4th and October 29th 2023.
Until when am I able to submit the revenue verification form?
The deadline for us to receive this document is October 29th 2023.
On what criteria is the ranking of the top companies in Les Echos ranking determined?
The ranking is determined by the growth in revenue between the years 2019 and 2022.
How will Statista calculate the average growth in revenue of a company?
We use the compound annual growth rate. For example, if a company achieved total revenue of 1.5m EUR in 2019 and total revenue of 7.5m USD in 2022, we calculate an average yearly increase of 71%.
The fiscal year of my company does not coincide with the calendar year. However, the survey and the form ask for the total revenue for the calendar years of 2019 and 2022. Which revenue information should I provide?
Please provide the revenue details for the fiscal years which fall predominantly in the calendar years of 2019 and 2022. For example if your company’s fiscal year is from 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2023, this fiscal year falls mainly in 2022, so use this for 2022 revenues. If your company’s fiscal year is from 01/10/2021 to 30/09/2022, this fiscal year falls mainly in 2022 as well, so use this for 2022 revenues.
Which definition of revenue will be observed in Les Echos' list?
Net revenue adjusted for returns, excluding value added tax and derived solely from business activities (excluding any other operating income) as disclosed in your company report.
Are further key data, such as profitability, relevant for the Les Echos ranking?
No, we only require data on revenue growth.
When will the France's Fastest Growing Companies 2024 ranking be published?
The ranking will be published in February 2024.
Which information concerning individual companies will be published by Les Echos?
The following information will be released about the top companies: the company name, the average growth in revenue and the total revenue for the years of 2019 and 2022, the number of employees in 2019 and 2022, the forecast number of employees for 2023, the founding date of the company, as well as the location of the head office.
How will I find out whether or not my company has made it into the ranking?
The results of our research will be published in Les Echos Week-End and outside the paywall of lesechos.fr so that the findings can be read and shared by everybody. In advance of this, the successful companies will be informed by post of their inclusion in the list.

Avis de non-responsabilité
Les Echos et Statista se réservent le droit de modifier les critères et/ou de produire de nouveaux critères à tout moment de la vie du projet.