The Best Employers for Diversity were selected based on Statista’s innovative methodology, guaranteeing unbiased results and providing reliable insights. Over 60,000 U.S. employees were surveyed in companies with a minimum of 1,000 employees to identify The Best Employers for Diversity.
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The Best Employers for Diversity were selected based on Statista’s innovative methodology, guaranteeing unbiased results and providing reliable insights. Over 60,000 U.S. employees were surveyed in companies with a minimum of 1,000 employees to identify The Best Employers for Diversity.
The evaluation was based on four different criteria:
• Direct recommendations: Employees were asked to give their opinions on a series of statements regarding Age, Gender, Ethnicity, Disability, LGBTQA+ & General Diversity in their current workplace. The recommendations of women, elders, and ethnic minorities were weighted higher than the non-minority groups.
• Indirect Recommendations: Participants were also given the chance to evaluate other employers in their respective industries that stand out either positively or negatively with regard to diversity. Only the recommendations of minority groups were considered.
• Diversity Among Top Executives/Board and Diversity Engagement Indicators were also part of the evaluation.
Companies evaluated
Over 1,500
Employees surveyed
Over 60,000
Companies awarded
Recognizing the Best
Statista R is dedicated to finding and recognizing the best in class with its independent approach to data collection and evaluation. Whether employer brands, law firms, management consultancies, e-commerce or products - each of our market analyses, rankings, top lists and ratings are produced completely independently and with sound methodology.