
For the seventh time, Statista, in cooperation with Les Echos, have recognized the “Top 500 – France’s Fastest Growing Companies”. It continues to identify outstanding companies among thousands of French enterprises following months of research, intensive database research and directly contacting tens of thousands of companies.

  • Clear and detailed methodology
  • Segmented by states and industry

Who are


project registration

Companies that are interested in participating in next year’s ranking can register below to be notified when applications open.

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The Project

About the project

Les Echos: France’s Fastest Growing Companies ranking is a list of the Top 500 companies in France that have achieved the highest percentage growth in revenues between 2018 and 2021. The annual high-profile list compiled by Statista and Les Echos is a visible and public acknowledgment of fast-growing companies in France which is published online and as a special report in Les Echos Week-End magazine.



Highest CAGR


Minimum CAGR to be included


Companies awarded

calculation of growth rates

The calculation of company growth rates is based on the revenue figures submitted by the companies in the respective national currency. For better comparability in the ranking the revenue figures were concerned into US dollars. The average rate for the financial year indicated by the company was used for this purpose.

The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) was calculated as follows:

Calculation of growth rates

The calculation of company growth rates is based on the revenue figures submitted by the companies.

The compound annual growth rate (CAGR) was calculated as follows:

CAGR formula for 2023 - Revenue of 2021 divided by revenue of 2018 to the power of 1/3 minus 1 is CAGR


How we work

Group 1161

Application Phase

The project was advertised online and in print, allowing all eligible companies to register via Les Echos’ website and the France’s Fastest Growing Companies website created by Statista. In addition, through research in company databases and other public sources, Statista has identified tens of thousands of companies in France as potential candidates for the ranking. These companies were invited to participate in the competition by post and email.

The application phase ran from 2nd September 2022 to 31st October 2022. The submitted revenue figures had to be certified by the CFO, CEO or a member of the Executive Committee of the company.

The ranking of France’s Fastest Growing Companies was created through a complex procedure. Although the search was very extensive, the ranking does not claim to be complete, as some companies did not want to make their figures public or did not participate for other reasons.

Group 1162


To be included in the list of France’s Fastest Growing Companies, a company had to meet the following criteria:

  • Revenue of at least €100,000 generated in 2018
  • Revenue of at least €1,500,000 generated in 2021
  • Be independent (the company is not a subsidiary or branch office of any kind)
  • Revenue growth between 2018 and 2021 that was primarily organic (i.e. mainly driven by the company’s direct performance, through the sale of internal products or services)
  • The company headquarter must be located in France
Group 1160


The list ranks French entrants by their compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in revenue between 2018 and 2021. The fiscal years that predominantly falls into 2018 and 2021 were used for this calculation.

Group 1157

Quality Assurance

All data reported by the companies was processed and checked by Statista. Companies that did not fulfill the criteria for inclusion in the ranking were deleted.

A detailed report on our methodology is available here.


Our reliable partner

Founded in 1908, Les Echos is today the leader in economic information in France. The brand supports decision-makers and entrepreneurs so that they are always one step ahead. Every day, it offers them a global vision of world events and the economy. It deciphers corporate strategies and captures the major emerging trends. It stimulates public debate with a plurality of opinions and contributions for a responsible economy. Les Echos reaches 11 million readers per month by publishing daily economic, financial and political press articles. It also gathers specific reports in its magazine Les Echos Week-end.

Projects with this partner

contact us

Get in touch with us. We are happy to help.

Whether you have questions about your rank, our projects, or why you’re not on the list. Contact us.

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* Mandatory fields. Information about the timing of deleting personal data, the countries where we save data (e.g., U.S., EU, UK, Singapore), and the companies we collaborate with can be found in our privacy statement.