Leader della crescita 2026
Leader della crescita 2026
Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista are planning the eight edition of the Leader della crescita ranking, to be published in November 2025.
Statista and Il Sole 24 Ore will seek to identify the 500 Italian companies with the strongest revenue growth between 2021 and 2024. They will be featured in a special report in a weekday edition of Il Sole 24 Ore newspaper and on Last year’s report can be found here.
To participate, you will need to provide your revenue figures for the years 2021-2024 as well as some additional information, including your company’s headcount at the end of those years. Potential candidates will be contacted by Statista or can put their names forward now, via the link below:
- New business opportunities
- Employer branding
- Effective media coverage
- Reputation
- Access to more than one million facts
It is as easy as this
Pre-register your company to leave your contact information and be invited directly by Statista.
Register with Statista by July 11, 2025.
Verify your revenue data by July 11, 2025.
Enjoy and benefit from your company’s success!
Who is eligible?
In order to be included in the ranking your company must meet the following criteria:
In order to be included in the ranking your company must meet the following criteria:
- Revenue of at least 100,000 Euro generated in 2021.
- Revenue of at least 1.5 million Euro generated in 2024.
- Be independent (the applying company is not a subsidiary or branch office of another company) *1
- Be headquartered in Italy.
- The revenue growth between 2021 and 2024 was primarily organic (i.e. “internally” stimulated).
- The company is not in any of the conditions referred to in the art. 80 of the Decreto Legislativo 50/2016.
How do I register?
Online registration
Online registration
Please register with Statista by 11 July 2025 here:
Verification of revenue information
Your revenue data requires verification. Upon survey completion, you will receive an email containing both a download link for the verification document and instructions on where to upload it.
The form must be signed in person by a Managing Director or a member of your Executive Committee (CEO or CFO). All necessary address details can be found on the form.
Contact us
Should you have any additional questions or would otherwise like to contact us, please email
- Revenue of at least €100,000 generated in 2021.
- Revenue of at least €1.5 m generated in 2024.
- Be independent (NO subsidiary or branch office of any kind).
- Be headquartered in Italy.
- The company is not in any of the conditions referred to in the art. 80 of the Decreto Legislativo 50/2016.
- (Revenue 2021/ Revenue 2024)^1/3 - 1 = CAGR
- 01/06/2024 to 31/05/2025 use this for 2024 as 7 months were in 2024
- 01/10/2020 to 30/09/2021 use this for 2021 as 9 months were in 2021
Special scenario - your fiscal years split the calendar years exactly in half:
- 01/07/2020 to 30/06/2021 and 01/07/2023 to 30/06/2024
- 01/07/2021 to 30/06/2022 and 01/07/2024 to 30/06/2025
You may one of these combinations of fiscal years. Just make sure you don’t mix them.
Il Sole 24 Ore and Statista retain the right to change the criteria and/or produce new criteria at any point in the project’s lifetime.