America’s Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers 2025

Based on a national online survey of thousands of health care professionals, existing hospital quality metrics and patient experience data as well as accreditations, 650 ambulatory surgery centers were awarded for the fifth time in cooperation with Newsweek.

  • Clear and detailed methodology
  • Segmented by state/region
  • Partnered with Newsweek

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America’s Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers 2025

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Project Details

About the project

The ranking for America’s Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers aims to provide patients with a comprehensive resource for informed decision making regarding the best ambulatory surgery center sites in the US. The list comprises the top 650 ambulatory surgery centers in the country.


The 25 states with the most facilities according to the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) were surveyed individually. The remaining states were grouped into 4 regions. Ambulatory surgery centers from these states were considered accordingly. The lists are based on four data sources:


– National online survey among peers
– Quality metrics data based on the Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting (ASCQR) Program
– Patient experience data based on the Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System (OAS CAHPS) by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
– Accreditation data based on the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).


Ambulatory Surgery Centers evaluated


of medical professionals surveyed


Ambulatory Surgery Centers awarded


How we work

Group 1161


The scoring model is based on 4 pillars: Recommendations and quality assessment from medical peers, CMS Measures, patient experience data, as well as accreditation data.

Group 1162


For the ranking of America’s Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers, the following was taken into consideration:

(1) From June to August 2024, Statista conducted a nationwide online survey among medical professionals (medical doctors/surgeons, registered nurses, nursing assistants, therapists) and staff working in the management/administration in ambulatory surgery centers. The survey was available to medical experts to participate on Additionally, participants were invited via e-mail. Participants were asked to recommend notable ambulatory surgery centers in their respective state. Recommendations for own employer/ambulatory surgery center were not allowed. For each recommended ambulatory surgery center participants were asked to rate three quality dimensions on a scale from 1 (“Poor”) to 10 (“Excellent”): Quality of surgical care, Quality of follow-up care, Management of waiting time. A quality score was assigned to each facility based on the weighted average of the other three dimensions. Additionally, the professional experience of the participant was considered, and participants could name standout specialties: Orthopedics, ophthalmology and/or gastroenterology.

(2) CMS Measures: The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provides data on ASCs in the Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting. 9 Measures were included into the analysis of this year’s edition of the ranking.

(3) Publicly available data from the Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgery Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (OAS CAHPS) survey was used to analyze patient experience. Survey topics associated to patient care and satisfaction were included.

(4) Furthermore, accreditation data based on the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) was include in this year’s edition of the ranking, containing the following accreditation / certification programs: Ambulatory Accreditation, Medicare Deemed Status Accreditation, Advanced Orthopaedic Certification.

Group 1157


The evaluation of ambulatory surgery centers was based on a scoring model including four pillars: the reputation score (45%), the CMS Measures score (45%), the patient experience score (7.5%) and the accreditation score (2.5%). The reputation score was calculated based on recommendations from medical professionals (80%) and the quality dimensions score (20%).

A detailed report on our methodology is available here.


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Newsweek is an American news magazine and website that provides high-quality information to readers around the globe, reaching over 75 million people each month. First launched in 1933, Newsweek nowadays reports about topics in the fields of international issues, technology, business, culture and politics. The information channels reach from weekly published print editions in various countries to an online and mobile presence worldwide.

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Jannik Petersen

Team Lead Licensing - Americas

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