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The top list is based on two surveys: an expert (peer-to-peer) survey and a client survey (executive employees only). The collection of peer-to-peer recommendations for management consulting firms in 16 different industries and 16 different functional areas was the first phase of the data collection. For this purpose, more than 10,000 invitations to a survey were sent out to partners and executives of management consultancies. Additionally, experts could register themselves on forbes.com.

In the second survey recommendations from more than 1,200 clients were collected. Participants were presented with a unique shortlist per industry or functional area based on last years results and the recommendations collected from the expert survey.

To identify the best management consulting firms, recommendations of clients and experts were combined in a scoring model. Overall, 962 awards across 16 industries and 16 functional areas were handed out. Every award’s plausibility was carefully checked by Statista analysts. In total, 199 unique management consultancies were awarded as “America’s Best Management Consulting Firms 2023“.

Read the article on forbes.com

Read about our methodology

Companies evaluated


Partners invited


Companies awarded


Statista's Methodology


The employee surveys conducted by Statista R are carried out independently of the potentially awarded employer brands. This reduces distortion of the results that could arise from non-anonymous surveys (e.g. social desirability in response behavior). The focus on willingness to recommend and on general questions about working conditions allows for comparability across heterogeneous sectors.

Data Collection

For data collection, Statista R programs detailed online questionnaires that ask survey participants about work-related topics. Statista R works with leading online access panels worldwide to identify suitable participants. During the survey, the incoming evaluations are checked for quality & validity (interview length, variances, inconsistencies) and sorted accordingly.


For the evaluation, Statista R applies a scoring model that primarily relies on the direct and indirect evaluation of the respondents. This includes both the evaluation of the respondent’s own employer as well as the evaluation of other employers from the same industry.

Quality Assurance

For each potential award-winning employer brand, the number of employees and the headquarters in the respective country are researched. This step serves as quality assurance and is presented as information in the publication.

A detailed report on our methodology for %ranking_name% is available.