%company_published_name% is part of the %ranking_name%
Statista R and USA Today have joined forces for the first time to create a new list called “America’s Climate Leaders 2023,” which acknowledges businesses throughout the United States that have achieved the most substantial decrease in their primary emission intensity from 2019 to 2021- that is, their scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions in relations to revenue.
Companies evaluated
more than 2.000
Companies awarded
Statista's Methodology
For the first time Statista R has collaborated with USA Today to produce a list of “America’s Climate Leaders 2023,” which recognizes companies across the United States that achieved the most significant reduction in their core emissions intensity between 2019 and 2021.
Data Collection
The ranking process involved two phases: an application and research phase and a data analysis and scoring phase. To be considered for the ranking, companies had to meet certain admission criteria, including reporting emissions data independently and publishing emissions data for Scope 1 and 2 for the years 2019 and 2021. The rankings were calculated based on compound annual reduction rate (CARR) of emissions intensity, with the highest CARR companies included in the list.
The rankings only considered emissions reported following the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (Scopes 1, 2, and 3) to ensure data comparability. Scope 3 emissions were not considered for emissions intensity reduction calculations due to the high degree of reporting freedom. Market-based values were used for Scope 2 emissions in both years if available, otherwise location-based values were used. The compound annual reduction rate (CARR) was calculated for eligible companies by comparing their emissions intensity in 2019 and 2021. The CARR formula was provided. Companies with the highest CARR were included in the list “America’s Climate Leaders 2023” while those with a disputed environmental record were excluded.
Quality Assurance
The ranking of companies was done by Statista based on independent journalistic criteria from USA Today and Statista. Only companies that met the criteria were included, and the ranking was based on publicly available data and a validation survey from September 2022 to March 2023. The ranking does not claim to be complete and may not include data published after March 31, 2023.
A detailed report on our methodology for %ranking_name% is available.
In partnership with USA Today
USA Today is a well-known American daily newspaper and news broadcasting company founded by Al Neuharth in 1982. It is published by the Gannett Corporation and headquartered in Tysons, Virginia. The newspaper has a wide circulation throughout the United States, including all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico. It is also distributed internationally in Asia, Canada, Europe, and the Pacific Islands. Known for its dynamic design, concise reports, colorized images, and informative graphics, USA Today is a popular choice among readers.
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