%published_name% is part of %ranking_name%


The ranking of America’s Most Innovative Companies is built on three pillars: product innovation, process innovation and innovation culture.
For the evaluation of the innovation culture and the internal view of process innovation, Statista deployed online survey panels where employees could score their own company on a scale system.

For the evaluation of the external view of process innovation as well as product innovation, a panel of experts was deployed. On top of that, experts in various fields – from recruiters to management consultants and patent attorneys – were invited to provide their opinion, both via newsletters from Fortune and mailings from Statista.

The surveys were conducted between August 16 and December 23, 2022.

For the evaluation of the IP portfolio, Statista cooperated with LexisNexis PatentSight and used their platform to analyze the quantity and value of a company’s patents. In each of these three dimensions, a company received scores which weighted equally (each a third) for the total score.

Read the article on fortune.com

Read about our methodology

Companies evaluated


Employees surveyed

25,000 + 2,500 Experts of Innovation

Companies awarded


Statista's Methodology


The employee surveys conducted by Statista R are carried out independently of the potentially awarded employer brands. This reduces distortion of the results that could arise from non-anonymous surveys (e.g. social desirability in response behavior). The focus on willingness to recommend and on general questions about working conditions allows for comparability across heterogeneous sectors.

Data Collection

For data collection, Statista R programs detailed online questionnaires that ask survey participants about work-related topics. Statista R works with leading online access panels worldwide to identify suitable participants. During the survey, the incoming evaluations are checked for quality & validity (interview length, variances, inconsistencies) and sorted accordingly.


For the evaluation, Statista R applies a scoring model that primarily relies on the direct and indirect evaluation of the respondents. This includes both the evaluation of the respondent’s own employer as well as the evaluation of other employers from the same industry.

Quality Assurance

For each potential award-winning employer brand, the number of employees and the headquarters in the respective country are researched. This step serves as quality assurance and is presented as information in the publication.

A detailed report on our methodology for %ranking_name% is available.

In partnership with Fortune

Fortune is an American multinational business magazine headquartered in New York City. It is published by Fortune Media Group Holdings, owned by Thai businessman Chatchaval Jiaravanon. The publication was founded by Henry Luce in 1929. The magazine competes with Forbes and Bloomberg Businessweek in the national business magazine category and distinguishes itself with long, in-depth feature articles. Fortune drives the conversation about business. With a global perspective, the guiding wisdom of history, and an unflinching eye to the future.

Powered by Statista

Statista.com, the world’s leading data and business intelligence portal, with 23 million unique users per month, 2,500,000 registered users and 23,000 corporate customers, offers statistics and business-relevant data.

1,000 visionaries, experts and makers constantly reinvent Statista and thus continuously work on developing new products and business models.

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