Company Excellence


the Most Excellent Companies

Company Excellence

Recognizing the Most Excellent Companies

There are several aspects in that companies can stand out and prove their excellence. Be it in terms of digitalization and innovation as drivers for future development, export as a measurement of international success or trust as a way of creating loyalty towards customers, investors or employees.

To bring transparency about companies’ excellence, we at Statista R recognize outstanding companies in different areas with high-profile media partners. Projects focus on the best companies based on customer evaluations and meaningful KPIs.

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Our Rankings

Our most popular Rankings

New ranking

America’s Best Companies for Future Leaders 2025

For the second time, Statista, in cooperation with Time, has recognized “America’s Best Companies for Future Leaders”.

with Bilanz & PME

Switzerland's Top Real Estate Experts 2025

BILANZ, PME and Statista have addressed the question of which Swiss companies have the highest level of expertise in the real estate sector.

with Corriere della Sera

Italy's Innovation Leaders 2025

Corriere della Sera and Statista’s “Italy’s Innovation Leaders 2025” ranking recognizes Italy’s most innovative companies for their use of advanced technologies and cutting-edge business models.

with the SZ Institute

Germany's Top Digital Companies 2024/2025

For the third year in a row, the SZ Institute and Statista have honored the winners of the “Top Digital Companies” award, which recognizes outstanding pioneers in innovation and digitization.


New England's Top Real Estate Brokerages 2024

For the first time, The Boston Globe and Statista are awarding the title of New England’s Best Real Estate Brokerages.


Florida's Best Real Estate Agencies 2024

For the first time, USA TODAY and Statista have ranked the 500 best real estate agencies in Florida for 2024. They were selected based on an innovative methodology consisting of KPIs based on Revenue, Pricing, Sales, and Success Rates.


Tennessee's Best Real Estate Agencies 2024

For the first time, USA TODAY and Statista have ranked the 300 best real estate agencies in Tennessee for 2024. They were selected based on an innovative methodology consisting of KPIs based on Revenue, Pricing, Sales, and Success Rates.

with Bilanz & PME

Switzerland's Top Innovative Companies 2025

In the “Switzerland’s Top Innovative Companies 2025” ranking, Bilanz, PME and Statista recognize companies in Switzerland that have distinguished themselves as particularly innovative.

with Newsweek

World’s Most Trustworthy Companies 2024

In it’s second edtion, Statista in collaboration with Newsweek, have recognized the “World’s Most Trustworthy Companies 2024”. The list is based on a holistic approach to evaluating trust. The three main public pillars of trust were considered: customer trust, investor trust, and employee trust.

with TIME

World’s Best Companies 2024

Statista, in cooperation with TIME, has recognized the “World’s Best Companies 2024”.

with CNBC

World’s Top InsurTech Companies 2024

For the first time, CNBC and Statista are awarding the “World’s Top InsurTech Companies”. This recognition is a clear symbol that your innovative contributions are reshaping the insurance industry, setting new standards for excellence and efficiency.

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Jannis Plachetka

Team Lead Licensing, Europe


Jannik Petersen

Team Lead Licensing, Americas


Lawrence Ho

Team Lead Licensing, APAC

* Mandatory fields. Information about the timing of deleting personal data, the countries where we save data (e.g., U.S., EU, UK, Singapore), and the companies we collaborate with can be found in our privacy statement.