Service & Retail


the Best in Service & Retail

Excellent Customer Service

Recognizing the Best in Service & Retail

Customer service continues to be a top priority for customers and companies alike. Providing excellent customer service has become a differentiating factor for businesses which influences their growth and performance.

To provide guidance on the large offer of service and retail, we at Statista R recognize companies that provide the best customer service as well as the best-in-class retailers in cooperation with high-profile media partners. Projects focus on the best companies, chains and shops as evaluated by customers.

Two business partners in formal wear and with protective yellow

Our Rankings

Our most popular Rankings

New ranking

America’s Best Customer Service 2025

The America’s Best Customer Service 2025 ranking is based on an independent survey of more than 28,000 U.S. customers and over 200,000 evaluations. The ranking identifies brands from 163 categories that received the highest scores based on six evaluation criterias, and provides results for a broad spectrum of customer experiences in traditional retail, online, and service segments.

with Blick

Switzerland's Top Customer Service 2025

Based on an extensive survey, Blick and Statista have analyzed the companies, service providers and institutions in Switzerland that offer the best customer service and the highest level of customer orientation.

with TEST Bild

Germany's Top Customer Service 2025

TEST Bild and Statista honor those companies, service providers and institutions in Germany that offer the best customer service. The award was based on the evaluation of around 14,000 people in Germany, who were asked for their opinion using an online access panel.

with brand eins

Germany's Best IT Service Providers 2025

Statista, together with the business magazine brand eins, have set themselves the task of bringing transparency to the confusing IT market for the fifth time this year.


with Newsweek

America's Best Retailers 2024

Newsweek and Statista have awarded America’s Best Retailers 2024 based on an innovative methodology guaranteeing unbiased results and providing reliable insights.

with the Straits Times

Singapore's Best Customer Service 2024

The Straits Times and Statista are pleased to announce the third edition of Singapore’s Best Customer Service. Customer service is an extremely important area as it represents the first and most personal point of contact between a business and its customers.

with Corriere della Sera

Italy's Best Customer Service 2024

Corriere della Sera and Statista are pleased to announce the third edition of their joint survey on customer service in Italy.

our success by the numbers

Our numbers speak for themselves









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Jannis Plachetka

Team Lead Licensing, Europe


Jannik Petersen

Team Lead Licensing, Americas


Lawrence Ho

Team Lead Licensing, APAC

* Mandatory fields. Information about the timing of deleting personal data, the countries where we save data (e.g., U.S., EU, UK, Singapore), and the companies we collaborate with can be found in our privacy statement.